Saturday, May 24, 2014

Emergency Holiday

hi !!!! yes! thank you JJ's fam for the emergency holiday. we were went to Anyer. it was my second times went to Anyer with jj. This time we went also with Bertha and Tante Nana. we stayed at Hawaii Hotel.

you can see my first trip to Anyer just find it at my blog ;) ciao

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

last Competition ?

 hi ! i thought these was my last competition. cause in 12 grade i can't active in my extracurricular any more. i'll do my exam in 2 weeks again. in all competition we were placed in number one. yeahh!!

this competition was held at Trans Studio Bandung. the Largest indoor theme park  in the world. it's a regional compettion (Se - Jawa Barat)

we danced a new contemporary dance made by Bu Santi, Tepak Nyentrik.

and that was Anjasmara Dance. it is a classic dance from Jawa Barat (Sunda).